The truck is legit!
Brad Daniel Healthcare administrator with a passion for farming and forest health.
The truck is legit! Read More »
Brad Daniel Healthcare administrator with a passion for farming and forest health.
The truck is legit! Read More »
Brad Daniel Healthcare administrator with a passion for farming and forest health. The mountain laurel is just about to bloom!
Brad Daniel Healthcare administrator with a passion for farming and forest health. New electric auger makes digging holes so much faster!
200 more trees in the ground! Read More »
Brad Daniel Healthcare administrator with a passion for farming and forest health.
Happiness is transplanting Daffodils! Read More »
New Roads Brad Daniel Healthcare administrator with a passion for farming and forest health. Winter is a good time to update the farm roads. I have a new appreciation for the Dierk’s Bentley song “it might be gravel but it feels like gold.”
How’s it Growing? Brad Daniel Healthcare administrator with a passion for farming and forest health. We counted! Doing the year end inventory of how things are. As you may know, farmers are required to inventory their products at the end of the year. This year, my father helped me walk the rows and count the
Drought in Virginia Marcy Daniel At the end of September, Albemarle County remained at 4.26 inches below normal rainfall. The drought has been hard on our little trees, but there are signs of resilience everywhere. We are quickly learning that the White Pine and Norway Spruce are doing the best. In future plantings, we will
Drought in Virginia Read More »
Dryland Farming Brad Daniel Healthcare administrator who traded the conference room for the farm. Raised in Virginia, trained in Sustainable Agriculture in California. Almost four months later and the lavender is holding on! We have had to be creative as we still do not have running water. It turns out there is a name for
Farm Day 2023! Brad Daniel Healthcare administrator who traded the conference room for the farm. Raised in Virginia, trained in Sustainable Agriculture in California. What do you do when you have no running water, no bathroom, no electricity, and 3 out of four of your family members are only available in the summer because they
Lavender’s Blue, Dilly, Dilly… May 23, 2023 Brad Daniel Healthcare administrator who traded the conference room for the farm. Raised in Virginia, trained in Sustainable Agriculture in California. Wishing I had asked my great-grandparents more questions about their farm! Our second crop is in the ground! It started with how many 4 quart lavender plants
Lavender’s Blue, Dilly, Dilly… Read More »